Scooters met 3 wielen

Maximale mobiliteit en comfort met een 3 wiel scooter !

Cycles Devos is the official and exclusive distributor for Quadro, manufacturer of scooters with 3 and 4 wheels.

Scooters with 3 wheels offer all the advantages of traditional scooters, with maximum comfort and extra stability:

  • veel hogere remkracht ;
  • betere verwerking van schokken tengevolge van oneffenheden in het wegdek ;
  • makkelijker te parkeren en voorzien van automatische stabilititeitsblokkering ...

A scooter with 3 wheels offers a lot of possibilities to get around the city!

Cycles Devos also offers the 3-wheel range of Piaggio. We are the exclusive distributors in Brussels of the Piaggio MP3 and Piaggio MP3 Urban, which means that you can use them for a 500cc bike!

If you want to know what you want, Cycles Devos can help you with your scooter: 125cc; 300cc, 400cc, 500cc, ... With advice from an experienced specialist !

  • Piaggio
  • Peugeot
  • Quadro
  • Goodyear I-trike

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